Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Kepada sesiapa yang menjumpai adik perempuan ini, sila sila lah bagitau ayah dia. kesian ayah dia. adik, mak tunggu adik kat rumah, dia rindu kat adik.Nama: Nur Adibah Bt. Mohd Fozi I/C:921213-02-5452Umur: 14 ThnDescription:Orang nya berkulit cerah, mempunyai cutting rambut panjang,lurus lepas bahu. kemungkinan besar tidak memakai tudung.Address: No 16, Jln BSE 4/23, Bandar Seri Ehsan, 42700 BantingTel:019-6428897(FAUZI) 019-2177300(SHUKRI)Plz forward mail ni pada kawan2 semua. Moga dia dan keluarganya dapat bertemu semula.amin


PERNAHKAH anda mengalami keadaan yang merimaskan terutama apabila sukar memberi tumpuan pada kerja atau pelajaran, merasakan otak ‘lebih lembap’ dan lambat berfikir berbanding dulu?Mungkin ada yang berpendapat ia disebabkan peningkatan usia. Mungkin pendapat itu benar tetapi kajian menunjukkan masalah sukar menumpukan perhatian dan ‘kelembapan’ otak ini mempunyai kaitan dengan kekurangan tidur.Keperluan tidur setiap orang berbeza-beza tetapi secara puratanya kita memerlukan tujuh jam tidur yang lena bagi membolehkan badan berfungsi dengan baik pada keesokan harinya.Tidur yang cukup bukan setakat merehatkan badan atau mengelakkan masalah mata cengkung tetapi ia mempunyai manfaat yang lebih penting. Tidur adalah satu keperluan dan ketika inilah badan akan memperbaiki kerosakan yang berlaku pada sel serta membina sel baru.Malah, ketika tidur, otak kita sibuk membuat persediaan untuk menghadapi keesokan harinya. Kajian ke atas haiwan dan manusia mendapati tidur yang cukup mampu meningkatkan keupayaan untuk belajar dan membantu memelihara daya ingatan seseorang.Dalam satu kajian, responden disuruh bermain piano mengikut nada tertentu. Kumpulan yang dilatih pada waktu pagi dan diuji 12 jam kemudiannya tidak menunjukkan perubahan yang ketara. Tetapi kumpulan ini menunjukkan peningkatan prestasi sebanyak 20 peratus selepas mendapat tidur yang cukup.Kumpulan kedua yang dilatih pada waktu petang juga menunjukkan peningkatan prestasi sebanyak 20 peratus selepas tidur pada waktu malam. Namun, ujian selepas 12 jam berjaga mendapati prestasi responden tidak berubah atau tiada peningkatan. Ini menunjukkan tidur memainkan peranan penting dalam kebolehan belajar.Apa sebenarnya yang berlaku ketika tidur masih belum dapat diterangkan dengan terperinci tetapi penyelidik percaya tidur membolehkan otak memproses semula perkara yang baru dipelajari supaya ingatan itu kekal.Kajian selanjutnya mendapati tidur sekejap pada tengah hari juga dikatakan memberi manfaat terhadap kemampuan untuk belajar. Ujian ingatan terhadap responden yang diberikan empat kursus secara terus menerus menunjukkan keputusan yang agak ‘buruk’. Bagaimanapun, daya ingatan mereka jauh lebih baik apabila diberikan rehat (tidur selama setengah jam) selepas dua kursus. Keputusan ini mencadangkan jika seseorang itu mendapat cukup rehat (fizikal dan mental) mereka mampu mempamerkan prestasi kerja atau pembelajaran yang lebih memberangsangkan.Ini kerana selepas bangun daripada tidur, otak lebih segar dan boleh berfikir dengan cepat dan tepat. Tidur yang mencukupi juga dapat mengurangkan tekanan dan keresahan yang secara tidak langsung boleh menjejaskan kemampuan belajar.Mungkin inilah sebabnya mengapa bayi, kanak-kanak dan remaja memerlukan lebih banyak tidur berbanding orang dewasa. Malah, kajian berkenaan juga menjelaskan mengapa golongan yang amat muda ini mudah menerima dan belajar perkara baru dalam hidup mereka.Malah, tidur juga dianggap amat penting untuk proses pemulihan terhadap kecederaan otak termasuklah pada pesakit strok kerana mereka perlu belajar semula untuk menguasai bahasa dan rutin harian.Ada penyelidik menyarankan supaya kita tidur apabila berasa mengantuk. Namun, ramai yang ‘mengabaikan’ keperluan badan ini dan berusaha melawan rasa mengantuk sehinggalah tiba waktu untuk tidur. Ada juga yang masuk tidur terlalu awal tetapi tidak dapat melelapkan mata walaupun persekitaran bilik tidur sangat menyenangkan.Bagi individu yang bekerja syif juga boleh mendapat manfaat daripada tidur walaupun waktu tidur mereka berubah-ubah. Apa yang penting ialah mereka mesti mendapat tidur cukup dan baik (lena).Tuntutan dan tekanan tugas membuatkan ramai antara kita yang mengalami masalah kekurangan tidur. Bahkan tidak kurang yang kerap terjaga pada waktu malam dan sukar untuk melelapkan mata semula.Akibatnya kita mudah letih, mengantuk dan hilang daya tumpuan jika perkara ini berlanjutan. Malah, lebih buruk kekurangan tidur boleh menyebabkan seseorang mudah tertekan dan mengalami gangguan emosi. Justeru, setiap kali anda menghadapi masalah untuk menumpukan perhatian, kajilah semula gaya hidup anda. Kekurangan tidur, tabiat pemakanan yang tidak seimbang dan kurang bersenam semuanya memberi pengaruh besar dalam menentukan kualiti hidup kita seharian.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Go Stress-Free For A Better Life

Stress has become a part of the fabric of our busy lives, but it wreaks havoc on our health - and our lives. Read on to learn some measures that you can take to become stress-free. The Impact of StressAll that epinephrine or adrenaline is produced during the stressful bouts of fight-flight, survival mode that gets turned on all too often these days.
The adrenaline is released from the adrenal gland when you are under mental pressure, and it tells the body to convert stored sugar from the liver to glucose because the energy needs of the body will increase substantially during the supposed fight-or-run-for-your-life scenario.
The bad news is that this scenario almost never plays out and the excess blood sugar that never got used up ends up being stored as fat. One of two things can happen from a prolonged survival mode. One: Your body will keep storing up excess sugar as fat and asking for more energy from more sugar. This equals weight gain (an unpleasant side-effect of stress).
Two: All of this stress and Herculean effort continually depletes your body of its energy resources until it inevitably crumples under the overload. This can either lead to adrenal exhaustion, nervous breakdown, or a broken down immune system - thereby exposing a person to disease. The vicious circle repeats itself over and over again and people never seem to be able to get out of the rat race.Release Your StressHere are some healthy habits you can integrate into your daily grind to free yourself from stress forever.

1. Cut the Caffeine: Caffeine stimulates the adrenaline release. Give up the cup of coffee and opt for the therapeutic benefits of caffeine-free herbal teas.
Or you can cut down on your caffeine intake by substituting green tea for coffee, which usually has 1/3 of the caffeine of a cup of coffee, but with the benefits of the antioxidant polyphenols.

2. Meditation: A daily meditation program is can be your number one method to decompress at the end of a busy day and release tension.

3. Take a Breather: Exhale the stress away. Specific exercises can detoxify your body and revitalize your being. Try this exercise, adapted from Chinese qigong and make your goal to slow down, smooth out, and deepen each breath.
With every exhalation, utter the word calm in your mind and breathe out the tension from a part of your body, starting from the top of your head and working your way down through each part of your body until you get to your feet. Release the remaining tension through your toes and the bottoms of your feet.

4. Cleanse the Clutter: Have you ever heard the saying that what you own soon owns you? Not only do these unnecessary items consume much of your energy for cleaning and maintenance, they also add to the clutter, making you disorganized and increasing your stress level. Cut back and let go. A good rule of thumb is that anything you haven't used in six months can be given away to charity.

5. Lighten Your Schedule: Cut back on the commitments in your calendar of events. If you are really scrambling for some free time, try writing in a day a week to just spend alone and relax...and stick to it!

6. Reframe Your Perspective: As you move through your day, pay attention to what causes you feelings of stress. Our response has much to do with how it will affect us; by reframing our perspective on stressful situations, we can often see that the danger is largely an illusion and maintain a calm frame of mind.
I hope you take some healthy steps toward reducing daily stress. I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

Friday, June 22, 2007

My bike...nice or not?Wanna have a ride with me?Come lah....we take a ride to Hatyai...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Be good to yourself.Keep physically fit and rested.Attitude is all-important. Use positive affirmations: "I can pass American History." Provide your own psychological edge, be it a positive attitude or a "lucky pen."Be a chronic enthusiast!Used textbooks may provide insights on a course.Sit in the front row; if you must sit toward the back of the room, lean forward. Attentiveness and concentration increase markedly.Don't miss the first and last minutes of class. They are crucial — important announcements, questions on test, etc.Use a variety of study techniques. a. Tape chapters. Listen to tape on way to school, work. b. Use index cards for quick review. Keep them simple. Remember: frequent review takes facts from short-term memory to long-term memory — learning as opposed to cramming.Study in short bursts. (First and last facts are remembered best; therefore, it will accelerate learning.)Review notes immediately after class. Even for five minutes. Something magical happens!Review your notes out loud. Read your chapters out loud.Appearance raises grades. Neatness counts. Word processors are a plus. If handwritten, use erasable pen.Don't waste time rereading. Rely on "pen in hand" and SQ3R.Test professors before they test you. Ask questions about what kind of test to expect, what material will be covered.Become an expert test taker.Go with initial hunches. Stay with initial hunches. Study according to your biological clock. Are you "normal," a night owl, or an early bird?Eliminate stress in your life. EXERCISE is the best antidote.Make extra credit mandatory.Never miss a class. This is considered mandatory by "A" students.Be prepared to bail out. Don't be afraid to drop a course that is not working for you. Volunteer to edit a friend's paper. Use it as a learning experience.Study smart—not hard!Time management skills and discipline pay off.Stay mentally, physically and spiritually fit.

BEST TU.....!!!!!!!

Looks so delicious....claypot beriyani tu.. Mana nak dapat???? kat ss15 la...kena try ni...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies
And I swear like the shadow that's by your side
I see the questions in your eyes
I know what's weighing on your mind
You can be sure I know my part
Cause I'll stand beside you through the years
You'll only cry those happy tears
And though I make mistakes
I'll never break your heart
And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies
I'll be there
I swear like a shadow that's by your side
I'll be there
For better or worse,
Till death do us part,
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear
I'll give you every thing I can
I'll build your dreams with these two hands
We'll hang some memories on the walls
And when (and when) just the two of us are there
You won't have to ask if I still care
Cause as the time turns the page,
My love won't age at all
And I swear (I swear) by the moon and the stars in the skies
I'll be there (I'll be there)
I swear (and I swear) like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there (I'll be there)For better or worse,
Till death do us part,
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swearI swear (I swear) by the moon and stars in the skies
I'll be there (I'll be there)
I swear like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there (I'll be there)
For better or worse (better or worse),
Till death do us part (oh no),
I'll love you with every (every single) beat of my heart
I swear, I swear, oh... I... swear...
i love u so much ayg!!


The things you taught me I will always know.
How could I not? The roots have sunk so deep:
All lessons of the heart that I will keep
No matter who I am or where I go.
Kids learn from what their parents are, and so
You are my book of life, the thoughts I reap;
Only in your arms I quiet sleep;
Under my words your voice sings soft and slow.
From you I learned the rules of right and wrong
Against which I at times had to rebel,
Though with regret I carry with me still.
How lucky I am to have been loved so well,
Even as I pushed against your will,
Relying on a father fair and strong

Eerrmmm.....this is what I am going to eat today...would you like to join me? Just call 1300-13-1300. Everything is on you.

Monday, June 18, 2007

What a nice thing to do when i am free